As digital technology continues to radically change all aspects of our daily lives, society is at a crossroads. We can allow these changes to wash over us like a tidal wave and take our chances with the damage that follows. Or we can be clear about the role digital technology can play in supporting and improving our lives. At present, we are veering dangerously close to following the first path, swayed by beliefs and mindsets resigned to a predestined future, and trapped in outdated beliefs that any intervention will somehow stymie innovation. But we believe the second option is not only possible, but urgent, timely, and necessary.
As early investors in technology innovations and start-ups, Omidyar Network is a long-time supporter of the power and potential of digital technology. We also understand the need to be deliberate in the way we direct that power and shape that potential. To this end, our “Our Vision for a Responsible Tech Future” reflects what we believe must happen to ensure a responsible tech future.