The Community Infrastructure for Mutual Aid List of Grantees

OrganizationProject DescriptionProject Description/ Funding Need
Barrios UnidosRemedios for Community Care and HealingBarrios Unidos (BU) is located in Chimayo, New Mexico and exists to support individuals struggling with addiction, their families who are shattered by addiction, and to re-engage community through the spirit of querencia. Resources will be used to create the infrastructure for rebuilding a local system of community care through herbal remedios.
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) CollectiveCommunity Infrastructure Fund for BIPOC SW-Led OrgThe Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Collective was founded in July 2020 to create a response to admissions of sexual racism and disparate wages by leaders within the Adult Film Industry. The funding will be used for staffing and administrative /tech support.
Community Movement BuildersCMB Mutual Aid InfrastructureCommunity Movement Builders (based in Atlanta, GA) provides consistent stabilization funds and other resources, organizes against police brutality, and cultivates economic opportunities through establishing our farmer's market and food co-ops. Funding would enable CMB to increase the current part-time Food Cooperative Director to a full-time salary, to hire a part-time Volunteer/Organizer Coordinator, and to develop 5 sister city chapters.
DC Mutual Aid ApothecaryDC Mutual Aid Apothecary Infrastructure GrantDC Mutual Aid Apothecary (DCMA) is a community-based project whose mission is to connect our community to accessible herbal medicine and education. Funding will help us meet this demand and continue building out our mutual aid work in order to become a self-sustaining cooperative business.
East Harlem/El Barrio Community Land TrustEHEBCLT Organizing and Base-Building ProjectThe East Harlem El Barrio Community Land Trust (EHEBCLT) works to develop and preserve community-controlled, truly and permanently affordable housing, commercial, green, and cultural spaces in East Harlem/El Barrio that prioritize households of extremely low to low incomes. EHEBCLT formed in 2014 as a pilot project of the NYC Community Land Initiative (NYCCLI), with organizing support from Picture the Homeless members. Funding will support the next phase of our resident engagement and organizing work, which EHEBCLT is facilitating with our Mutual Housing Association partners, and to strengthen our organizational communications infrastructure.
ECO FoundationThe ECO Foundation’s Young BULs Mutual Aid programThe ECO Foundation is a black-led nonprofit located in West Philadelphia working to provide creative education, healthy food, and employment opportunities. Grant funds will support our important mutual aid efforts to continue to deliver groceries year-round and allow us to adequately run our Young BUL program.
Equality LabsBay Area Mutual Aid & Caste Equity InitiativeEquality Labs is a critical conduit for information, services, and rapid response for South Asian and broader racial justice communities. With a grant from the Omidyar Network, we will increase direct services to our base and update our mutual aid resource kit, grow our COVID-19 public health guide and create more culturally sensitive materials; and bring on a new digital security contractor.
Floreciendo (DBA: Oakland Bloom)Oakland Bloom Cooperative Restaurant GroupOakland Bloom (OB) is a diaspora-led non-profit working at the intersection of immigration, food, gender and economic justice with strong roots in immigrant communities. Funding for this initiative will go toward outreach efforts (labor, event space, commercial kitchen, materials and catering) for public education and recruitment of community and traditional investors to join the cooperative and starting up the cooperative.
Havenly, Inc.Strengthening the Havenly Collective(CT) Havenly is a non-profit food business dedicated to building the community power of refugee and immigrant women through job training, education, and organizing. We are requesting funding to build our organizing and leadership development programming infrastructure and methods.
Imagine Water WorksMutual Aid Response Network (Imagine Water Works)Imagine Water Works a place-informed, BIPOC and trans-led organization that has focused on disaster preparedness and response, climate justice, water management, and community organizing in New Orleans for nearly a decade. Funds will be used to build the sustain the Mutual Aid Response Network and safety measures (including tech and software).
Lugenia Burns Hope CenterThe Hope ProjectThe Hope Project provides mutual aid to public housing developments and senior buildings on the South Side of Chicago. Funds will be used to support the program and expanding it to different schools.
Marylanders to Prevent Gun ViolenceLiberty Elementary Grief Support GroupMarylanders to Prevent Gun Violence (MPGV) has supported the Liberty Elementary School Grief Support Program (LESGSP) since 2017. Funds would be used to compensate practioners and expand to support more women and children.
Media Innovation Collaboratory/TrollBustersJournalists & Digital Resilience Against ViolenceWe seek to illuminate the nuances of online violence targeted against journalists and provide digital safety, legal solutions and just-in-time support. MONITORING AND REPORT SYSTEM: Develop a uniform reporting code for online harassment toward journalists of color so we can continue to monitor threats. Using social media monitoring and other artificial intelligence tools, we will provide just-in-time support to targets of online harassment. DIGITAL FORENSICS AND LEGAL SUPPORT: Provide digital forensics and monitoring/evidence collection for targets to pursue legal options for identification and prosecution of bad actors. TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS: Develop digital counter-narrative strategies that can diminish the severity and duration of online attacks. We will analyze and create response tools to deliver just-in-time education and support to targets of online abuse. We also will connect targets of online harassment to psychological, technological and legal resources that are localized to geographies.
Miami Workers CenterSisters in Struggle: Member-led Mutual AidMiami Workers Center (MWC) is located in south Florida. MWC will utilize the funding to shore up staffing to coordinate our growing mutual aid program which now responds to needs for rental relief, utilities, eviction and even psycho-social support for members in need.
Out in the OpenRural QTBIPOC/LGBTQ+ Mutual Aid InfrastructureOut in the Open runs a Rural QTBIPOC/LGBTQ+ Mutual Aid Fund. We would use funds to create roundtable discussions, produce a mutual aid toolkit, support staff, and refine our mutual aid work.
Parity Baltimore IncorporatedMutual Aid Response to Preventing Black Land LossThe Stop Oppressive Seizures Fund (SOS Fund) aims to disrupt and dismantle predatory systems that erode property rights and ownership within the Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) community, while decolonizing our understanding of property and wealth and encouraging a transition to a framework for collective land stewardship. It is is a coalition to provide comprehensive and holistic support to increase housing stability for Black and people of color, and to prevent displacement and erosion of wealth in these communities.
Promotores de la Liberación MigranteIndigenous Language Justice Mutual Aid OrganizingA language justice and indigenous Maya organizing initiative that began in 2016 with a small core of volunteers based in Guatemala and the US, which has grown into collective of over 200 indigenous promotores engaged in multinational base-building among Maya migrants throughout the North American migrant corridor, beginning with language-rights accompaniment with Maya migrants detained in US immigration detention centers. We are seeking up to funds to support several crucial elements of our mutual aid grassroots organizing efforts.
Proyecto FaroInfrastructure for Mutual Aid and Food JusticeProyecto Faro (PF) is building a sustained, immigrant-powered food distribution system in Rockland County, NY. Funds will support hiring full-time staff, transportation of food for distribution events, and expanding and equipping our office.
PT PartnersPT Partners - Advocacy ExpansionPT Partners (PTP), a Black and Latinx, resident-led, mutual aid initiative, mobilizes residents in PT Barnum Apartments, a low-income public housing (LIPH) development in Bridgeport, CT, to fight systemic challenges faced every day. Funding from Omidyar would be used to strengthen PTP’s operational staff, thereby, also fortifying Resident Leaders’ work as the backbone of the organization, and PTP’s expansion.
Rebel Cause IncNEDRRSNew England Direct Reparations and Resource Sharing (NEDRRS) is an online mutual aid platform that supports the distribution of funds to vulnerable populations in the New England area through grant funding, donations, and community-sourced reparations. We will use these funds for the purposes of technology build-out, operations, and community building, and cooperation.
REPRelationships Evolving Possibilities (REP)REP is an attempt to interrupt the violence of policing, surveillance, and incarceration by eliminating a key point of entry into our lives: 911. Funds will be used to pay people, Some of this funding is for one time costs: working with our software developer to complete the creation of our dispatch technologies and then buying the devices; building out our work and storage space; building up our supplies and more.
Sixth Street Community CenterMutual Aid Kitchen ProjectSSCC responded to the pandemic conditions by launching an Emergency Food Distribution and Pantry, a Free Community Fridge as well as opening up our kitchen and cafe space as a Mutual Aid Kitchen. Funding will help to continue their Mutual Aid Kitchen Project until September 2022, with the ultimate goal of solidifying and sustaining these programs long-term beyond the funding period.
The Support Ho(s)e CollectiveSex Worker Capacity Building & Mutual AidThe Support Ho(s)e collective consists of a small group of sex workers and trusted accomplices that seek to build radical community and fight whorephobia in Chicago. This mutual aid grant would radically transform our relationship to immediate needs, our mutual care efforts and expanding our political education.
West Ridge Community ResponseWRCRT Youth InfrastructureWest Ridge is Chicago's most diverse neighborhood, home to many refugee resettlement agencies and the only neighborhood in Chicago that is gaining Black residents. Out of Chicago's 77 neighborhoods, West Ridge has the third largest population of children under 5 while also having more nursing homes per capita than any other zip code in Illinois. West Ridge is a neighborhood of families and our mutual aid efforts have focused on helping families thrive thru building community to support every need. Funding will go towards building a network of teens to ideate, organize and participate in additional mutual aid efforts.

The Community Infrastructure for Mutual Aid List of Grantees

The Community Infrastructure for Mutual Aid List of Grantees

Barrios Unidos

Remedios for Community Care and Healing

Barrios Unidos (BU) is located in Chimayo, New Mexico and exists to support individuals struggling with addiction, their families who are shattered by addiction, and to re-engage community through the spirit of querencia. Resources will be used to create the infrastructure for rebuilding a local system of community care through herbal remedios.

Barrios Unidos
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Collective

Community Infrastructure Fund for BIPOC SW-Led Org

The Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Collective was founded in July 2020 to create a response to admissions of sexual racism and disparate wages by leaders within the Adult Film Industry. The funding will be used for staffing and administrative /tech support.

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Collective
Community Movement BuildersCMB Mutual Aid Infrastructure

CMB Mutual Aid Infrastructure

Community Movement Builders (based in Atlanta, GA) provides consistent stabilization funds and other resources, organizes against police brutality, and cultivates economic opportunities through establishing our farmer’s market and food co-ops. Funding would enable CMB to increase the current part-time Food Cooperative Director to a full-time salary, to hire a part-time Volunteer/Organizer Coordinator, and to develop 5 sister city chapters.

Community Movement BuildersCMB Mutual Aid Infrastructure
DC Mutual Aid Apothecary

DC Mutual Aid Apothecary Infrastructure Grant

DC Mutual Aid Apothecary (DCMA) is a community-based project whose mission is to connect our community to accessible herbal medicine and education. Funding will help us meet this demand and continue building out our mutual aid work in order to become a self-sustaining cooperative business.

DC Mutual Aid Apothecary
East Harlem/El Barrio Community Land Trust

EHEBCLT Organizing and Base-Building Project

The East Harlem El Barrio Community Land Trust (EHEBCLT) works to develop and preserve community-controlled, truly and permanently affordable housing, commercial, green, and cultural spaces in East Harlem/El Barrio that prioritize households of extremely low to low incomes. EHEBCLT formed in 2014 as a pilot project of the NYC Community Land Initiative (NYCCLI), with organizing support from Picture the Homeless members. Funding will support the next phase of our resident engagement and organizing work, which EHEBCLT is facilitating with our Mutual Housing Association partners, and to strengthen our organizational communications infrastructure.

East Harlem/El Barrio Community Land Trust
ECO Foundation

The ECO Foundation’s Young BULs Mutual Aid program

The ECO Foundation is a black-led nonprofit located in West Philadelphia working to provide creative education, healthy food, and employment opportunities. Grant funds will support our important mutual aid efforts to continue to deliver groceries year-round and allow us to adequately run our Young BUL program.

ECO Foundation
Equality Labs

Bay Area Mutual Aid & Caste

Equity Initiative Equality Labs is a critical conduit for information, services, and rapid response for South Asian and broader racial justice communities. With a grant from the Omidyar Network, we will increase direct services to our base and update our mutual aid resource kit, grow our COVID-19 public health guide and create more culturally sensitive materials; and bring on a new digital security contractor.

Equality Labs
Floreciendo (DBA: Oakland Bloom)

Oakland Bloom Cooperative Restaurant Group

Oakland Bloom (OB) is a diaspora-led non-profit working at the intersection of immigration, food, gender and economic justice with strong roots in immigrant communities. Funding for this initiative will go toward outreach efforts (labor, event space, commercial kitchen, materials and catering) for public education and recruitment of community and traditional investors to join the cooperative and starting up the cooperative.

Floreciendo (DBA: Oakland Bloom)
Havenly, Inc.

Strengthening the Havenly CollectiveOakland Bloom Cooperative Restaurant Strengthening the Havenly Collective

(CT) Havenly is a non-profit food business dedicated to building the community power of refugee and immigrant women through job training, education, and organizing. We are requesting funding to build our organizing and leadership development programming infrastructure and methods.

Havenly, Inc.
Imagine Water Works

Mutual Aid Response Network (Imagine Water Works)

Imagine Water Works a place-informed, BIPOC and trans-led organization that has focused on disaster preparedness and response, climate justice, water management, and community organizing in New Orleans for nearly a decade. Funds will be used to build the sustain the Mutual Aid Response Network and safety measures (including tech and software).

Imagine Water Works
Lugenia Burns Hope Center

The Hope Project

The Hope Project provides mutual aid to public housing developments and senior buildings on the South Side of Chicago. Funds will be used to support the program and expanding it to different schools.

Lugenia Burns Hope Center
Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence

Liberty Elementary Grief Support Group

Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence (MPGV) has supported the Liberty Elementary School Grief Support Program (LESGSP) since 2017. Funds would be used to compensate practioners and expand to support more women and children.

Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence
Media Innovation Collaboratory/TrollBusters

Journalists & Digital Resilience Against Violence

We seek to illuminate the nuances of online violence targeted against journalists and provide digital safety, legal solutions and just-in-time support.

MONITORING AND REPORT SYSTEM: Develop a uniform reporting code for online harassment toward journalists of color so we can continue to monitor threats. Using social media monitoring and other artificial intelligence tools, we will provide just-in-time support to targets of online harassment.

DIGITAL FORENSICS AND LEGAL SUPPORT: Provide digital forensics and monitoring/evidence collection for targets to pursue legal options for identification and prosecution of bad actors.

TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS: Develop digital counter-narrative strategies that can diminish the severity and duration of online attacks. We will analyze and create response tools to deliver just-in-time education and support to targets of online abuse. We also will connect targets of online harassment to psychological, technological and legal resources that are localized to geographies.

Media Innovation Collaboratory/TrollBusters
Miami Workers Center

Sisters in Struggle: Member-led Mutual Aid

Miami Workers Center (MWC) is located in south Florida. MWC will utilize the funding to shore up staffing to coordinate our growing mutual aid program which now responds to needs for rental relief, utilities, eviction and even psycho-social support for members in need.

Miami Workers Center
Out in the Open

Rural QTBIPOC/LGBTQ+ Mutual Aid Infrastructure

Out in the Open runs a Rural QTBIPOC/LGBTQ+ Mutual Aid Fund. We would use funds to create roundtable discussions, produce a mutual aid toolkit, support staff, and refine our mutual aid work.Out in the Open runs a Rural QTBIPOC/LGBTQ+ Mutual Aid Fund. We would use funds to create roundtable discussions, produce a mutual aid toolkit, support staff, and refine our mutual aid work.

Out in the Open
Parity Baltimore Incorporated

Mutual Aid Response to Preventing Black Land Loss

The Stop Oppressive Seizures Fund (SOS Fund) aims to disrupt and dismantle predatory systems that erode property rights and ownership within the Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) community, while decolonizing our understanding of property and wealth and encouraging a transition to a framework for collective land stewardship. It is is a coalition to provide comprehensive and holistic support to increase housing stability for Black and people of color, and to prevent displacement and erosion of wealth in these communities.

Parity Baltimore Incorporated
Promotores de la Liberación Migrante

Indigenous Language Justice Mutual Aid Organizing

A language justice and indigenous Maya organizing initiative that began in 2016 with a small core of volunteers based in Guatemala and the US, which has grown into collective of over 200 indigenous promotores engaged in multinational base-building among Maya migrants throughout the North American migrant corridor, beginning with language-rights accompaniment with Maya migrants detained in US immigration detention centers. We are seeking up to funds to support several crucial elements of our mutual aid grassroots organizing efforts.

Promotores de la Liberación Migrante
Proyecto Faro

Infrastructure for Mutual Aid and Food Justice

Proyecto Faro (PF) is building a sustained, immigrant-powered food distribution system in Rockland County, NY. Funds will support hiring full-time staff, transportation of food for distribution events, and expanding and equipping our office.

Proyecto Faro
PT Partners

PT Partners – Advocacy Expansion

PT Partners (PTP), a Black and Latinx, resident-led, mutual aid initiative, mobilizes residents in PT Barnum Apartments, a low-income public housing (LIPH) development in Bridgeport, CT, to fight systemic challenges faced every day. Funding from Omidyar would be used to strengthen PTP’s operational staff, thereby, also fortifying Resident Leaders’ work as the backbone of the organization, and PTP’s expansion.

PT Partners
Rebel Cause Inc


New England Direct Reparations and Resource Sharing (NEDRRS) is an online mutual aid platform that supports the distribution of funds to vulnerable populations in the New England area through grant funding, donations, and community-sourced reparations. We will use these funds for the purposes of technology build-out, operations, and community building, and cooperation.

Rebel Cause Inc

Relationships Evolving Possibilities (REP)

REP is an attempt to interrupt the violence of policing, surveillance, and incarceration by eliminating a key point of entry into our lives: 911. Funds will be used to pay people, Some of this funding is for one time costs: working with our software developer to complete the creation of our dispatch technologies and then buying the devices; building out our work and storage space; building up our supplies and more.

Sixth Street Community Center

Mutual Aid Kitchen Project

SSCC responded to the pandemic conditions by launching an Emergency Food Distribution and Pantry, a Free Community Fridge as well as opening up our kitchen and cafe space as a Mutual Aid Kitchen. Funding will help to continue their Mutual Aid Kitchen Project until September 2022, with the ultimate goal of solidifying and sustaining these programs long-term beyond the funding period.

Sixth Street Community Center
The Support Ho(s)e Collective

Sex Worker Capacity Building & Mutual Aid

The Support Ho(s)e collective consists of a small group of sex workers and trusted accomplices that seek to build radical community and fight whorephobia in Chicago. This mutual aid grant would radically transform our relationship to immediate needs, our mutual care efforts and expanding our political education.

The Support Ho(s)e Collective
West Ridge Community Response

WRCRT Youth Infrastructure

West Ridge is Chicago’s most diverse neighborhood, home to many refugee resettlement agencies and the only neighborhood in Chicago that is gaining Black residents. Out of Chicago’s 77 neighborhoods, West Ridge has the third largest population of children under 5 while also having more nursing homes per capita than any other zip code in Illinois. West Ridge is a neighborhood of families and our mutual aid efforts have focused on helping families thrive thru building community to support every need. Funding will go towards building a network of teens to ideate, organize and participate in additional mutual aid efforts.

West Ridge Community Response