Claire Pei

Claire Pei headshot

Digital Communications Coordinator

Claire serves as digital communications coordinator at Omidyar Network. In this role, she leads on implementing a digital communications strategy, from social media and website management to creative content ideation and production.

Previously, Claire led digital storytelling, social media, and website management at the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, an initiative hosted at the United Nations Foundation. There, she produced videos, multimedia stories, interactive publications, and more to communicate the impact of a network of 700+ partners working to leverage data and tech for sustainable development. In 2020–2021, Claire also served as one of three US youth delegates to the G20, during which she engaged American youth on issues related to sustainability, climate, and energy, communicating their priorities and concerns vis-à-vis the 2021 G20 Summit in Italy.

Claire holds a M.A. (honors) in Arabic and International Relations from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. She also has an executive certificate in digital media for social impact program at the University of Pennsylvania.