As Managing Director on the Responsible Technology team, Anamitra leads Omidyar Network’s work on encrypted messaging, platforms and power, and alternative business models, with a vision for technology that underpins greater individual empowerment, social opportunity, and user safety.
Previously, Anamitra was global lead of the intellectual capital team, which helped to shape Omidyar Network’s strategic direction and incubate areas of work including Digital Identity and the Tech and Society Solutions Lab.
Prior to joining the firm, Anamitra was an associate partner at the Monitor Group (now Monitor Deloitte), where he co-founded the Monitor Inclusive Markets practice in 2007. Globally, xhe led senior client engagements in financial inclusion, livelihoods, healthcare, and impact investing.
His work has been featured in publications like The Washington Post, The Times of India, and the Financial Times, and included in seminal reports on market-based solutions and impact investing. He has spoken at landmark conferences and taught classes on these topics.
Anamitra received two master’s degrees from the University of Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar, and is a graduate of Mount Allison University and the Lester B Pearson UWC in Canada.